About the builder

I am Thomas DE WILDE, I was born in 1979.
My daily job is project manager consultant in the global industry of Defense, Aviation and Security in my one man company.
I participated in the qualification, certification of Defense aeronautical systems. Working in this area made me meeting exceptional personalities (fighter pilots & drones, experts in ergonomics, human factors, flight testing, flight safety, aviation military standards, industrial), I caught the virus Aviation, became one of my passions.
I started flying in February 2010 in the south of Paris with an airline pilot as instructor : Stephane. Earning my Private Pilot certificate – PPL(A) (or Sunday pilot, when the weather is nice) in septembre 2011. From there, I wanted to share aviation with other people and I earned the French CAEA diploma which allow me to teach aviation. So now, I teach aviation to students (since 2012).
Since 2014, I am: – Learning aerobatics flying in the north of France, – Building slowly but surely this very nice airplane from VANS Aircraft.