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Anti-corrosion dilem

Yes , aluminum oxidize and ends in tatters, as the 2CV from Citroën, but after much longer time… Vans Aircraft makes no specific recommendation on this point but all hombuilders apply anti-corrosion on aluminium (even alu-T3). It is therefore the responsibility of the manufacturer to choose while being aware not to build a submarine ! VANS treats its wings and fuselage kits assembled proposed. There are several types of anti- corrosion for aluminum treatment:
  •    Applying a primer
Different types of primer are possible :
  •     Water based primer,
  •     Epoxy bicomponent primer , with or without chromate,
  •     Epoxy single component primer.
Whatever the choice , it is necessary that the primer layer applied stick to temperature changes , vibration, UV and various attacks that can undergo the plane (grease, fuel , shocks, … ) .
  •     Chromic anodizing
Having contacted several companies , it remains a possible treatment (that is applied on Dassault RAFALE fighter), stylish but expensive (around € 4000 for the entire aircraft ) and difficult to achieve in terms of organization . = > After many hesitations and taken diverse and varied opinions , I decided to use the 90 Green Primary réf.E4120 from french companie Diatex used by Airbus & British Aerospace : 100% epoxy bi- component, pigmented chromate strontium and respecting the . Applied with a pneumatic paint gun ( nozzle 1.5 ) after :
  •     Apply MEK on parts for degreasing,
  •     Deroche parts with scochbrite maron to create the hook,
  •     Apply alodine (not sure).